SikaWall-4900 Antiquing Glaze CS Color Chart

PLEASE NOTE: The color representations on your monitor and on any print out generated should not be used for final selection. Actual color and texture selection should be made from a sample produced by the applicator using the same tools, techniques and materials proposed for the actual project.

SikaWall-4900 Antiquing Glaze CS

Sicillian Sand

SikaWall-4900 Antiquing Glaze CS

Silver Lake

SikaWall-4900 Antiquing Glaze CS

Castillo Garden

SikaWall-4900 Antiquing Glaze CS

Sunset Gold

SikaWall-4900 Antiquing Glaze CS

Coral Siena

SikaWall-4900 Antiquing Glaze CS

Midnight Mist

SikaWall-4900 Antiquing Glaze CS

Desert Earth

SikaWall-4900 Antiquing Glaze CS

Venetian Red