Platinum CI Stucco
A continuously insulated stucco system with a variety of rigid insulation board options.
Design meets ASHRAE design standards and IGCC/IECC code requirements for the use of continuous insulation | Highly energy efficient and easy to specify |
Rigid insulation board | Optimized thermal performance |
Incorporates monolithic air/water-resistive barrier | High resistance to water and air infiltration |
Does not require control joints | Design flexibility |
100% Acrylic, reinforced base coats | Produce a weather-resistant barrier; provide crack resistance |
Fade-, abrasion- and dirt-resistant finishes | Lower maintenance |
For exterior walls in new and retrofit commercial, institutional and residential construction when a continuous high effective R-value is needed to meet energy or eco-efficiency standards, and/or when a rainscreen is desired or required to satisfy code issues related to drainage.