Sentry Stucco

Sentry Stucco is an impact and puncture resistant, cement plaster stucco system.
Sentry Stucco
Very resistant to impact and punctures; good for high traffic areas
Additional safeguards against incidental moisture intrusion
SikaWall Permalath 1000 in a durable plaster base that will not rust
Factory prepared SikaWall Stucco Base minimizes potential site mixing errors; improves quality control
Fire-resistive properties
Low maintenance and life-cycle cost
Fade-, abrasion-and dirt-resistant finishes contribute to low maintenance and life-cycle costs
EPS shapes integrate into the system for economical architectural detailing; more valuable appearance


New or retrofit residential, institutional and commercial low-rise construction such as hotels, hospitals, retail centers, schools, multi-family apartments, condominiums, and government facilities.