Sika Advanced Resins Epoxy Lamination Systems l Pro’s Choice Goalie Masks

Shown at right: Pro’s Choice is a leading manufacturer of composite-based, custom-fit, hockey goalie masks.

Hear from owner, Dom Malerba, as to why he trusts Sika’s epoxy lamination systems to help ensure his masks perform to the highest safety and quality standards.

Epoxy Lamination Systems | Room & High Temperature


Advanced Resins | Tooling & Composites | Epoxy Lamination Systems
Epoxy Lamination Systems - Room Temperature
Product PDS
Resin SDS
Hardener SDS
Tg (°F)Mix RatioCured ColorMixed Viscosity (cps)Pot Life (min/g)Description & Applications
SikaBiresin® CR77 FR

SikaBiresin® CR77 FR (A)

[EL-319 (A)]
SikaBiresin® CH77-2 (B) Fast

[EL-319 (B) Fast]
120100/12Lt. Amber1,78036/200Flame-retardant (FAR 25.853), UV-resistant. halogen-free system for composite parts
SikaBiresin® CH77-4 (B) Slow

[EL-319-1 (B) Slow]
SikaBiresin® CR62 FR

SikaBiresin® CR62 FR (A)

[EL-320 (A)]
SikaBiresin® CH62 (B)

[EL-320 (B)]
140100/10Lt. Amber2,65045/200Flame-retardant (FAR 25.853) system for composite parts
SikaBiresin® CH62-1 (B) Fast

[EL-320-1 (B)]

SikaBiresin® CR96 FR


SikaBiresin® CR96 FR (A)

[EL-322 (A)]

SikaBiresin® CH96-2 (B)

[EL-322 (B)]
 100/16Lt. Amber55049/100Halogen-free, flame retardant, epoxy laminating and infusion system developed for use in fabricating parts or repairs on structures that require flame retardant, self-extinguishing properties with room-temperature curing capabilities.
AL 2020AL 2020AL 2021 H154100/22Clear1,00065/100Flame-retardant (FAR 25.853), unfilled system used with glass, carbon, aramid or hybrid fabrics. Ideal for high performance parts meeting NASCAR fire retardant requirements. Suitable for vacuum bagging and RTM. Can be heated immediately for faster process times
AL 2022 H100/241,300210/100
AL 2023 H100/301,300570/100
SikaBiresin® L323

SikaBiresin® L323 (A)

[EL-323TC A]
SikaBiresin® L323 (B)

[EL-323TC B]
160*100/93GreenDough120/400Moldable epoxy dough-like compound for composite duplicating aids, jigs & fixtures
EL-302PCEL-302PCEL-302PC H170*100/16White3,00031/232General purpose epoxy tooling resin with good fabric wet-out properties. Used for duplicating aids, jigs, and fixtures
EL-302PC-2 H100/193,00060/200
SikaBiresin® CR72
(Marine 820)
SikaBiresin® CR72
(Marine 820)
(Marine 822)
180100/18Lt. Amber65030/200UV-resistant, general purpose, low viscosity system used for fabrication of laminated or infusion molded composite parts and structures
(Marine 823)
(Marine 824)
TCC-205TCC-205TCC-102 H180*100/25Amber70017/100Unfilled, general purpose laminating and board adhesive
TCC-104 H80032/100
SikaBiresin® CR88

[Epolam 2015]
SikaBiresin® CR88 (A)

[Epolam 2015 A]
SikaBiresin® CH88-6 (B) 

[Epolam 2015 B]
190100/32Clear550140/500Marine system for production of composite structures and tooling by hand layup, RTM, and infusion methods
Epoxy Lamination Systems - High Temperature
Product PDS
Resin SDS
Hardener SDS
Tg (°F)Mix RatioCured ColorMixed Viscosity (cps)Pot Life (min/g)Description & Applications
TCC-230TCC-230TCC-102 H200*100/17Amber4,0005/100Unfilled, general purpose laminating and board adhesive
TCC-104 H200*20/100
SikaBiresin® CR101
SikaBiresin® CR101 (A)
SikaBiresin® CH101-2 (B)
[EL-335 (B)]

SikaBiresin® CH101-3 (B)
[EL-335-2 (B)]
212100/20Lt. Amber1,50050/228High performance, impact resistant, toughened system for composite parts
Epolam 2500Epolam 2500Epolam 2500 H212100/22Beige1,80090/500Flame retardant system (FAR 25.853 compliant) for composite parts
SikaBiresin® L337
SikaBiresin® L337 (A)
[EL-337 (A)]
SikaBiresin® L337 (B)
[EL-337 (B)]
238100/16Gray4,00050/232Good room temperature curing properties system for laminated vacuum form, RIM, and RTM molds
SikaBiresin® CR128
SikaBiresin® CR128 (A)
[EL-336 (A)]
SikaBiresin® CH128-2 (B)
[EL-336 H (B)]

SikaBiresin® CH128-4 (B)
[EL-336 LPL (B)]
SikaBiresin® CR163

SikaBiresin® CR163 (A)

[EL-315 (A)]
SikaBiresin® CH163-1 (B)

[EL-315-1 (B)]
305100/19Black2,50055/100Unfilled system for laminated carbon fiber or E-glass composite tools requiring heat resistance
SikaBiresin® CH163-2 (B)

[EL-315-IHL (B)]
SikaBiresin® CH163-6 (B)

[EL-315-2 (B)]
SikaBiresin® CR216
[Epolam 2090]
SikaBiresin® CR216 (A)
[Epolam 2090 (A)]
SikaBiresin® CH216-50 (B)
[Epolam 2026 (B)]
401100/53Amber6501,500/150Ultra-high temperature system for production of composite tooling and structures by vacuum bagging and infusion processes
SikaBiresin® L325 HT

[EL-325 HTTC]
SikaBiresin® L325 HT (A)

[EL-325 HTTC (A)]

SikaBiresin® L325 HT (B)

[EL-325 HTTC (B)]

425100/25GrayDough105/454Ultra-high temperature, moldable dough-like compound used for composite vacuum forms, RIM, and RTM molds
SikaBiresin® CR226
[Epolam 2092]
SikaBiresin® CR226 (A)
[Epolam 2092 (A)]
SikaBiresin® CH226-20 (B)
[Epolam 2092 (B)]
437100/50Amber550400/500Ultra-high temperature, heat curing epoxy infusion system for composite molds and structures