Platinum CI Stucco Plus

A premium continuously insulated cement plaster stucco system featuring Senershield air/water-resistive barrier.

Senergy Platinum CI Stucco Plus
Design meets ASHRAE design standards and IGCC/IECC code requirements for the use of continuous insulation
Highly energy efficient and easy to specify

Incorporates fluid-applied monolithic air/water-resistive barrier
Durable, seamless building wrap is highly resistant to water and air infiltration
Provides a drainage plane
Directs incidental moisture out of the wall assembly
100% Acrylic, reinforced base coats
Produce a weather-resistant barrier; provide crack resistance
Factory prepared SikaWall-500 Stucco Base Concentrate
Minimizes potential site mixing errors; improves quality control
Available self-furred glass fiber reinforcing lath in durable plaster base
Will not rust
Fade-, abrasion- and dirt-resistant finishes
Lower maintenance


For exterior walls in new and retrofit commercial, institutional and residential construction when a continuous high effective R-value is needed to meet energy or eco-efficiency standards, and/or when a rainscreen is desired or required to satisfy code issues related to drainage.