
Sika has developed a concept for finding the right solution for the issues observed by the customer related to sands and aggregates.

Sika has developed a concept for finding the right solution for the issues observed by the customer related to sands and aggregates. In many cases, the reason for changing or problematic concrete properties is not obvious. Therefore, several steps are required to identify the problem to give the right support and product solutions. With our Sika CODE method, we can address these challenges to find solutions.

Sika CODE concrete aggregates reference project Switzerland Nant de Drance plant admixtures crushed rock


C – Customer Challenge:
Sika experts discuss the problems with customers – namely concrete producers – while making sure to fully understand their needs.

O – Operated Analysis:
Samples of sands and aggregates are analyzed using several methods.

D – Diagnosis of the Cause:
With analytical results, the cause of the customer challenge can be diagnosed.

E – Effective Sika Solution:
 Our Sika experts can work on the most effective solution for our customers.

Sika Sand App

One breakthrough is our Sika Sand App, an innovative digital resource that will assist in increasing efficiency for concrete producers in the USA. In 2021, Sika Group developed and implemented the Sika Sand app for fast and efficient aggregate analysis. This software is an analytical device and provides information about aggregate particle size, distribution, particle shape parameter, and fineness modulus. The Sika Sand app is a step toward optimized identification of available aggregate and towards finding alternatives to overcome shortage of high-quality sand without significant performance loss. 

Find a Sales Rep

This app is another solution included in the full range of assistance offered to our Sika concrete customers in the United States. To learn more about the solutions we have to offer, please contact a Sika sales representative in your region.