Through innovative specialty admixtures, Sika offers cost effective solutions to address challenges with production, placement, and concrete returned to the plant.
3-5% of all ready-mix concrete comes back to the yard as returned concrete. Managing this material can be an operational, financial, and environmental challenge for concrete producers.
The appearance of an exposed concrete surface is ultimately how concrete is judged, regardless of quality. Whether removing the appearance of unsightly bugholes, using surface retarder to create an exposed aggregate appearance, or curing concrete for maximum quality, Sika has the right products to enhance final concrete surface.
Concrete placement characteristics are a function of the design and proportioning of cement paste, aggregates, and chemical admixtures. During pumping or placement, the paste rheology is a critical performance factor. The use of rheology/viscosity modifying admixtures (VMA) increases the cohesiveness of concrete, thereby reducing the risk of segregation.
Sika’s Viscosity Modifying Admixtures meet relevant industry standards per application, such as ASTM C-494, Type S or CRD-C661-06. See product data sheets for details.
Flowable fill is a self-compacting, flowable concrete used as an economical fill or backfill material. Available as a powder or liquid, Sika Lightcrete products are an easy and economical solution for flowable fill production.