King® MS-W1
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King® MS-W1 is a pre-blended and pre-packaged shotcrete material formulated for wet-mix process applications. It contains Portland cement, silica fume, blended aggregates, along with other carefully selected components. It has greatly enhanced shooting characteristics and physical properties.
- Air-entrainment provides superior resistance to freeze-thaw cycling and salt-scaling resistance
- Improved pumpability and shootability
- Improved adhesive and cohesive plastic properties

- Rehabilitation of concrete bridges, dams, reservoirs, tunnels, and parking ramps
- Lining and rehabilitation of sewers and watermains
- New construction including slope stabilization, soil-nailing, shaft and tunnel linings, pools and other concrete structures
- Air-entrainment provides superior resistance to freeze-thaw cycling and salt-scaling resistance
- Improved pumpability and shootability
- Improved adhesive and cohesive plastic properties
- Significantly reduced rebound and low dust levels, resulting in lower material usage
- Improved ability to build greater thicknesses in a single pass in both vertical and overhead orientations
- Improved resistance to water wash-out and to sulphate attack
- Very low permeability and low shrinkage
- Compatible with integral, pre-applied and/or post-applied corrosion inhibitors
- Designed with natural normal-density non-reactive aggregates to eliminate potential alkali-aggregate reactivity (AAR)
Liquid accelerator can be added at the nozzle to reduce set time and increase early age strength gain. Contact your Sika STM Technical Representative for more information.
Micro-Synthetic Fiber (SY)
- Micro-Synthetic fibers reduce cracking caused by intrinsic stresses
- Type III synthetic fiber in accordance with ASTM C1116
- Grade FR Class I shotcrete in accordance with ASTM C1480
- Corrosion inhibitor protects steel reinforcing and other metals embedded in concrete from corrosion induced by carbonation or chlorides
- Pre-blended corrosion inhibitor provides the correct dosage to enhance corrosion protection
- By default King® MS-W1 is blended to meet ACI 506 “Guide to Shotcrete”, Table 1.1, Gradation No. 1 (No Added Abbreviation)
- King® MS-W1 G2 is blended to meet ACI 506 “Guide to Shotcrete”, Table 1.1, Gradation No. 2. (G2)
For King® MS-W1 with micro-synthetic fibers and gradation No. 2, the name of this product would be:
King® MS-W1 SY G2.
66 lb (30 kg) bag
2205 lb (1000 kg) FIBC*
Products containing Macro-Synthetic fibers (MF) or Steel fibers (ST) can only be packaged in FIBC*
Custom packaging is available to suit specific project requirements
*Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container
Product Details
Shelf Life
12 months in original, unopened packaging
Storage Conditions
Stored in a dry, covered area, protected from the elements between
40°F - 95°F (5°C - 35°C)
Underground Environments
Stored in a dry, covered area, protected from the elements between
40°F - 95°F (5°C - 35°C)
Physical properties may be adversely affected if material is stored in
temperatures below 40°F (5°C) and should be allowed to warm to ambient
underground temperatures before application
Compressive Strength
ASTM C1604 |
1 Day | 2175 psi (15 MPa) |
3 Days | 4060 psi (28 MPa) |
7 Days | 4640 psi (32 MPa) |
28 Days | 6000 psi (42 MPa) |
Flexural Strength
ASTM C78 |
28 Days | 940 psi (6.5 MPa) |
Splitting tensile strength
ASTM C496 |
7 Days | 650 psi (4.5 MPa) |
28 Days | 840 psi (5.8 MPa) |
0.065 % |
6% ± 2% | ASTM C457 |
6.0% | ASTM C642 |
0.009 in (230 µm) | ASTM C457 |
15.0% | ASTM C642 |
Freeze-Thaw Stability
100% (Excellent durability factor) | ASTM C 666 |
Salt resistance
0.04 lb/ft2 (0.2 kg/m2) |
Set Time
ASTM C1117 |
Initial | 4 Hours |
Final | 6 Hours |
Approx. 0.5 ft3 per 66 lb bag (0.014 m3 per 30 kg bag)
Approx. 16.5 ft3 per 2205 lb FIBC (0.45m3 per 1000 kg FIBC)
- Rock Surfaces: All surfaces to be in contact with King® MS-W1 must be free from dust, oil, grease or any other foreign substances that may interfere with the bond of the material. Remove all loose or delaminated rock. Clean the area with potable water, leaving the substrate saturated but free of standing water (SSD).
- Repair or Rehabilitation: All surfaces to be in contact with King® MS-W1 must be free from dust, oil, grease or any other foreign substances that may interfere with the bond of the material. Remove all loose or delaminated concrete providing a roughened surface and a minimum of ¾ inch (20 mm) clearance behind any corroded reinforcing steel. The perimeter of the repair area should be saw-cut a minimum of ¾ inch (20 mm). Clean the area to be repaired with potable water, leaving the concrete saturated but free of standing water (SSD).
Place 75% of required water into mixer and slowly introduce entire bag of King® MS-W1 while the mixer is running. Allow King® MS-W1 to mix for a minimum of five minutes. Slowly add balance of required water until desired slump has been obtained, not exceeding maximum recommended volume of water.
Maximum recommended volume of water is 0.9 US gallon per 66 lb bag (3.4 L per 30 kg bag). Continue mixing and stop only after material has reached a consistent, homogeneous mix.
Apply King® MS-W1 in accordance with the ACI 506 “Guide to Shotcrete” publication.
Performance of in-place shotcrete relies heavily upon application techniques. The shotcrete material, equipment and key personnel should be pre-qualified prior to project start-up to ensure optimum quality of in-place shotcrete.
- King® MS-W1 should not be applied when ambient, substrate and material temperatures are below 40 °F (5 °C) or above 95 °F (35 °C).
- For adverse temperatures, follow ACI recommendations for Cold / Hot Weather Concreting.
Contact your Sika STM Technical Representative for more information.
Curing is essential to optimize physical properties of the shotcrete and minimize plastic shrinkage. King® MS-W1 should be cured immediately after material has reached initial set in accordance with ACI 308 “Guide to Curing Concrete”. Continuously moist cure for a minimum period of 7 days. Alternatively, moist cure for a minimum period of 24 hours and apply a curing compound that complies with ASTM C309. Curing is particularly critical in rapid moisture loss conditions such as high temperatures, high winds and low humidity.
Clean all tools and equipment after use with water. Once hardened, the product can only be removed mechanically.