Apply an even coating of SikaCem®-110 Surface Retarder 05 to the concrete’s surface. When spraying, utilize the lowest pressure possible to create a fan pattern. Apply the material evenly to achieve a masking, consistent color over the concrete. If an insufficient amount of top surface retarder is applied, premature drying may occur, affecting the exposure results. Heat, wind, and low humidity may also contribute to excessive drying. Cover the concrete surface completely with SikaCem®-110 Surface Retarder 05. For consistent exposure results, spray all concrete surfaces at the same time after completing concrete finishing.
Dwell Time
Do not work the surface with a float or trowel after applying SikaCem®-110 Surface Retarder 05. The material will dry in 1-2 hours, after which it will resist light rain. Before drying, protect SikaCem®-110 Surface Retarder 05 from rain by temporarily covering it with plastic and removing it as soon as the weather allows. Divert downspouts or other sources of substantial water exposure from flowing directly on the concrete after applying SikaCem®-110 Surface Retarder 05. Do not apply curing compounds over the surface retarder.
Removal and Exposure
Expose the aggregate by washing it within 6-24 hours after application, depending on the temperature and humidity, as determined by the approved mock-up panel. Use a garden hose and a new, clean broom or pressure washer to work the surface. Work in a small area. If the reveal depth is too deep, stop washing and let the concrete cure and harden further. Some concrete mix designs installed during elevated temperatures may require exposure to start sooner than 12 hours. Cold temperatures delay exposure. Achieve uniform exposure by washing the surface simultaneously after the initial application of SikaCem®-110 Surface Retarder 05 to the concrete.
Use SikaCem®-100 Clear Guard®, SikaCem®-100 PRO 350®, or SikaCem® water-based sealers for exterior applications. Use SikaCem® water-based sealers for interior applications. Consult most current SikaCem® sealer local Product Data Sheets for complete Application Instructions.
Do not apply sealers to concrete substrate with moisture levels > 6% mass (pbw – part by weight) as measured with Tramex® CME/CMExpert type concrete moisture meter.
To protect the exposed aggregate finish, reseal the concrete with the same product initially used to cure it.