Whether you need to keep water in or out, Sika’s Watertight Concrete solutions can help keep your structures from leaking or dry. It all starts from proper mix design and consideration of the environment that the concrete will be exposed to. 

Steps to high quality Watertight Concrete:
  • Utilize water/cement ratio ≤ 0.42 and high range water reducer (HRWR)
  • Include the use of an integral watertight admixture
  • Design low shrinkage concrete and prevent drying shrinkage cracks
  • Consider the environment & materials, utilize corrosion control and/or ASR Control if necessary
  • Utilize SCC to ensure good consolidation in general and around waterstop
Step 1: Utilize Viscocrete HRWR

Step 1: Utilize Viscocrete HRWR

Step 2: Integral Watertight Admixture

Step 2: Integral Watertight Admixture

Step 3: Control Shrinkage

Step 3: Control Shrinkage

Step 4: Consider the Concrete Environment

Step 4: Consider the Concrete Environment