Sustainability at the Forefront of Innovation
Sika optimizes products through SPM, blending performance and sustainability to maximize opportunities and minimize risks.
Sustainability Portfolio Management
Sustainability Portfolio Management (SPM) is the mechanism used by Sika to evaluate and classify its products in defined market segments in terms of both Performance and Sustainability. The objective of Sika’s Sustainability Portfolio Management (SPM) Concept is to manage innovation and sustainability, minimizing the risks and maximizing the opportunities of products and product portfolios.
With the aim to increase the company’s portfolio of “Sustainable Solutions” – products which combine performance with sustainability, Sika contributes also to its customer focus by supporting the sustainability goals of business partners and customers.
Innovation is one of Sika’s strategic pillars. By 2023, the company aims to achieve 25% of sales with products released in the past five years. At Sika, innovation is always driven by customers’ needs. This is why every new Sika solution must add value for customers with improved environmental impact.
Sika’s objective is to meet the challenges faced by customers today, by launching new products in response to tighter regulations for adhesives and sealants, developing new solutions to meet the ever-greater demands in terms of easy and efficient application and environmental compatibility.
Sika’s product platforms provide answers to global trends, such as resource-saving building methods, energy-efficient and low-emission construction materials, high-speed manufacturing methods, and lighter, safer, and more environmentally friendly vehicles.
Sustainability Categories
The Sustainability categories that form part of the Sika Sustainability Portfolio (SPM) methodology are comprehensive and cover the sustainability topics material to Sika. Products assessed under the SPM methodology undergo a rigorous evaluation against 12 Sustainability Categories, ensuring that Sika Sustainable Solutions are fit for purpose.
Performance Categories
The Performance categories that form part of the Sika Sustainability Portfolio (SPM) methodology are comprehensive and cover technology specific topics material to Sika. Products assessed under the SPM methodology undergo a rigorous evaluation against 6 Performance categories, ensuring that our Sustainable Solutions are fit for purpose.
Sustainable Solutions
Upon completion of the SPM assessment, products are assigned a final sustainability and performance rating. Only products which demonstrate significant sustainability and performance benefits can qualify as "Sustainable Solutions".