SikaControl®-245 WT Liquid


SikaControl®-245 WT Liquid is an integral liquid crystalline based permeability reducing admixture. SikaControl®-245 WT Liquid is formulated to meet the requirements of ASTM C494/AASHTO M 194, Type S and NSF/ANSI/CAN 61.

SikaControl®-245 WT Liquid uses a unique combination of active ingredients which react with ingress moisture within concrete. This reaction forms insoluble compounds throughout the capillary system in the concrete matrix resulting in crack healing properties and an improved resistance to water permeability. Additionally, SikaControl®-245 WT Liquid has minimal impact on setting characteristics and strength characteristics.   SikaControl®-245 WT Liquid also provides the following benefits:  
  • Uniform permeability reduction throughout the treated concrete volume,
  • Improved resistance against hydrostatic pressure,
  • Ability to seal non-moving concrete cracks up to 0.016 in (0.40 mm),
  • Improved durability and service life,
  • Lower construction costs compared to traditional types of waterproofing,
  • Potentially eliminates the risk of damage to traditional types of waterproofing systems during the construction process.
    In addition to the use of SikaControl®-245 WT Liquid it is recommended the concrete is designed for a minimum cementitious content of 590 lbs per cubic yard and a maximum water/cementitious ratio of 0.42. For optimum permeability reduction, proper curing of freshly placed concrete per ACI 308R-01 - Guide to Curing Concrete should be followed.    SikaControl®-245 WT Liquid does not contain intentionally added chlorides.