Charlestown, MA
completed system

The existing Balconies have originally been waterproofed with Sika Sarnafil PVC membrane over 20 years ago. The property management Peacock Properties Management reached out to Sika to evaluate the most economic and practical solution to install a new system and extend the waterproofing warranty at the condominium for another 20 years.

Sikalastic RoofPro 20 system has been evaluated as most economic and practical solution, as it can be applied directly over the existing PVC membrane with minimal disruption for the residents. JWG Building Restoration from Acton, MA , a long time Sikaalstic RoofPro installer has been awarded the job.



Unlike most other waterproofing system, Sikalastic RoofPro systems can be applied directly over single ply membranes, and do not required a complete removal of the existing system. The existing Sika Sarnafil was cleaned and primed with Sikalastic Primer EP, an universal epoxy primer that enhances adhesion and act as plasticizer migration barrier between the new and the existing membranes.

The property management was not only pleased with the results and extension of the warranty for another 20 years, but also highlighted the benefits of Sikalastic RoofPro system in terms of construction time and that the system only caused minimal disruption for the residents.


  • Contractor: JWG Building Restoration