Chemical Containment Systems are generally secondary systems used to contain accidental spills or drainage. When located on a roof, it is most important to make sure these areas are leakproof and impenetrable to protect the immediate building, its occupants, and the surrounding environment. The hard-cured finish of the Sikalastic two-component cold-applied resins are a perfect barrier for such a situation. They are easy to transport and easy to use in difficult-to-access spaces. 

  • Seamless roofing and waterproofing
  • VOC content significantly below the industry standard
  • Easy application
  • Ideal for either refurbishment or new construction
  • Reinforced or unreinforced system options
  • Fully adheres to substrate
  • Suitable for many different structures and substrates
  • Split slab application
  • Robust chemical resistance
  • Cured product remains highly flexible

Sikalastic Two-Component Cold-Applied Resins

The Sikalastic® cold applied two-component product line of resins is formulated to be a quick-curing, self-smoothing, high gloss, high chemical resistant membrane. The system is made up of a polyaspartic topcoat and a highly elastic hybrid polyurea base coat. The 100% solids allow for a VOC content that is well below industry compliance making it a sustainable option. Reinforced or unreinforced systems perform both as roofing or waterproofing solutions per project design criteria. Suitable roofing and waterproofing applications include new construction, replacement/recover, chemical containment, and cooling tower areas. The highly elastic nature of these products makes them a perfect choice for a multitude of climates and weather conditions.