Sikalastic Resins
Sika’s Liquid-Applied Membranes (LAM) come as either a one or two-component formulation. Sikalastic’s one-component cold-applied products are high solids polyurethane, high solids silicone, and type 1 acrylic technologies. Sikalastic’s two-component cold-applied products are polyurea hybrids with optional polyaspartic top coats and the two-component hot-applied is pure polyurea.
Sikalastic’s family of liquid resins is highly elastic, crack bridging with reinforcement, vapor permeable, UV resistant, and nonyellowing. Applications are possible on almost any substrate that is prepared and primed. Liquid applied membranes can boast a 35+ year reliable track record on various applications such as commercial roofing, high-end residential, condominiums, plaza decks, balconies, split slabs, and much more.
Sikalastic is ideal in roof/waterproof refurbishment as an alternative to a tear-off of an existing roofing or waterproofing application. If you are looking for a sustainable way to fix your problem, a roof/waterproof coating is a great option to extend the life cycle of old or leaking application. Sikalastic can be applied over a multitude of prepared existing substrates using only local reinforcement. Sika’s refurbishment coatings come in Polyurethane, Polyurea, Polyaspartic, Silicone, and Acrylic.