Tampa, FL


The USAA offices located in Tampa, Florida were having significant waterproofing problems with their plaza deck. For over ten years USAA had been experiencing leaking within their plaza deck at its transitions and expansion joints. The waterproofing system that had previously been installed was hot rubberized asphalt with a terrazzo-type cementitious topping surface. The topping sloped towards the curtain wall of the building, which became the area most prone to water infiltration.

Plaza deck USAA

After interviewing a myriad of waterproofing consultants the decision was finally taken to hire Professional Services Industries, Inc. (PSI), an industry-leading consulting and engineering firm, to successfully design a system that would alleviate all of USAA’s waterproofing problems. Being particularly familiar with Sika, and having full knowledge of the capabilities of the Sikalastic RoofPro System, PSI was quick to recommend Sikalastic RoofPro as the sole source solution for the 5,000 square foot area.

Balcony without waterproofing membrane

In order to prepare for the application of the Sikalastic RoofPro system the rubberized asphalt needed to be completely removed to reveal the substrate’s true surface of bare concrete. Once the substrate was prepared to specification, the various building surfaces were primed and the Sikalastic RoofPro 20 year system was installed. Of extreme importance to the success of this project was Sikalastic's unique ability to flash onto dissimilar materials such as aluminum window frames, pre-cast coping stones and stainless steel bolt heads. Sikalastic performed superbly. Once the Sikalastic RoofPro system was installed, the plaza deck was topped off with insulation, drainage mat, and Hanover Architectural Pedestal Pavers, that had been supplied though Sika Corporation.

balcony with applied Sikalastic waterproofing membrane

Client: USAA Insurance Company
A / E / C: Professional Services Industries, Inc.
Contractor: Service Painting Corporation


5,000 Square Feet Plaza Deck


Sikalastic RoofPro 20 Year System

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